
Gold Circle Award Profile: 马克Kexel with Titan Security Group and CBRE at 110 North Wacker

20200130 boma451

马克Kexel, Director of Security with Titan Security and CBRE at 110 North Wacker, 被评为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 2020年度安全专业人士.


当我十几岁的时候,我想成为一名警察. At the time I thought getting into the private security industry was a good steppingstone. However, as I became more involved in the industry, my focus and path shifted. 25年后,我很高兴自己选择了这条路. My first day working in the commercial high-rise market in downtown Chicago happened to be on September 11, 2001.

你曾担任防备委员会主席. What are some of the notable accomplishments the committee has achieved over the years?

Strengthening and streamlining public/private sector partnerships and communications was the primary focus during the time I served as chair. We developed sub-committees and leveraged the reach of 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 which resulted in a prosperous progression.

当我回顾那些项目时, 然后我们就到了今天, 我们的关系和伙伴关系真正成为首屈一指的. 举个例子, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 与其他社区协会合作, now have a dedicated seat in the Office of Emergency Management’s (OEMC) 加入t Operations Center (JOC) where we can communicate face-to-face with all City Departments during large City events and emergencies and share real-time updates to members. I’m pleased to see the continued accomplishments and strengthened partnerships the committee has made under the leadership of Erin Parks and Tom Henke.

Tell us about some of 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s relationships with emergency responders and how they have been helpful to the industry.

我相信这对谈判双方来说都是显而易见的, 公营及私营, that the unity between each is what makes the City of Chicago stronger as a whole.  十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察局(CPD), 十大网赌靠谱网址平台消防局(CFD), 应急管理和通信办公室(OEMC), 国土安全部(DHS), 联邦调查局(FBI), 特勤局, 还有很多其他部门, BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台与所有国家建立了相互支持的结构.

You are opening a new building – 110 North Wacker – in the middle of the pandemic. How is that going and what measures are being taken in response to COVID?

北瓦克110号不仅是这座城市最好的办公楼, 它也是技术最先进的, 特别是在COVID应对方面. 在北河滨广场150号实施, 北瓦克110号大楼的租户也将受益于:

  • Passive thermal scanning for all tenants, visitors, vendors and contractors. 我们用的是99度的医用级热敷站.9%可靠.
  • Destination dispatch elevators that are programmed to limit no more than 4 people per elevator cab with supplemental programming to reduce intermediate stops
  • 可重复使用的纳米标签, 所有普通门把手上都有自动清洁和微生物, 包括洗手间
  • A secondary building wide air filtration system called Bipolar ionization which neutralizes and breaks down bacteria and virus cells, 以及其他微粒物质,包括恶臭气体, 气溶胶和其他挥发性有机化合物
  • 医用级MERV-15空气过滤器
  • Messenger center attached to Delivery dock that sanitizes all in-bound packages before they are delivered into the base building.
  • Increased cleaning 程序 and visibility – particularly in high traffic areas

一幢新建筑需要一整套新的程序. Are you taking any different approaches to security when it comes to tenant interactions?

In addition to state-of-the-art technology, we’re also taking a more human approach. With everyone wearing masks, it can be hard to see facial expressions and show a smile. We are 培训 our meeters and greeters to put on a big smile that makes their eyes crinkle and use welcoming body language that translates to tenants and visitors even with the mask on. We also work closely with our staff and vendors about how to work respectfully with folks in the event they fail the temperature scans. We have spent a great deal of time thinking about and implementing additional processes to keep our staff safe, 这包括对员工的更高标准, 培训, 程序, 尽职调查.

Looting had a major impact on the Central Business District this summer. 你是如何准备的,你的建筑是如何受到影响的?

多年来,BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台准备委员会 开发了一系列最佳实践 和 对付内乱的最佳做法是准确无误的. 了解你的地产线, 当你可以要求别人离开你的房子, and understanding risk versus threat are some of the key issues addressed in the procedure. 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 members can take advantage of our close connections with first responders, 通知十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 最近, 新实施的Slack通信渠道.

北河滨广场150号没有任何高端零售店, 幸运的是,我们的风险较低, 然而, our owners made it clear that windows can be replaced but people cannot. We used technology and cameras to keep an eye on the property and scheduled off-duty law enforcement to be on the premises. We had all hands on deck and also kept an eye on news outlets and social media to know where the hot spots were.

让我们转到一个更轻松的话题——网络. 你最喜欢的BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台活动是什么?

我喜欢 托比和金圈晚会 最. The event is a great way to recognize the properties and especially the teams that positioned these properties to become winners. 我们在十大网赌靠谱网址平台有很多漂亮的房子, 国内和国际, 但是如果没有这些人,他们就不会存在. The people are the ones that make it all happen so the gala is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate them.

我不是一个很好的高尔夫球手,但我一直很享受 高尔夫经典. 我也期待着即将召开的年会, as it is a great way to learn what is happening with the organization.

我也告诉每个人,他们需要成为 准备委员会. 我已经参与其中15年了. 该委员会提供网络和十大网赌靠谱信誉平台, along with a support structure and education that everyone can bring back to their property to help stay safe.


你不需要成为房间里最聪明的人, you just have to be smart enough to surround yourself with people smarter than you.

你旅行了很多地方,尤其是骑摩托车. 告诉我们一些你最喜欢的旅行.

毫无疑问,我最喜欢的旅行是“落基山脉”之旅.  蜿蜒的山路, 高程的重复变化, 当然是风景和野生动物, 还有空气……. 含氧气的空气!


I enjoy going on adventures with my wife and children whether it be 3-day weekend vacations, 野营, 甚至只是去看电影或出去吃冰淇淋.  我也喜欢独处的时间, 特别是在我蒙大拿的小木屋里, but usually at some point during the alone time I realize I miss the family and look forward to coming back home.